Monday, October 13, 2014

Teachers, schools and the minister – Economic

Teachers, schools and the minister – Economic



One month and three contests placement of teachers after the start classes we do not see the time when all schools have teachers placed.

It is said that, at best, the problems will only solution in November and some even venture to say that you can get Christmas. The President did not hide yesterday malaise with a situation that is harming students and teachers appealed to the example of when he lived in England to say that there never had these problems because there was decentralization, it was not handled by Ministry of Education. Cavaco added even if we need to do some serious thinking on the subject. The question is undermining the image of Nuno Crato and already causes some discomfort among the majority parties. The prime minister is, in the words of the President, the only person empowered to appoint or remove ministers, insists on keeping the holder of the Education folder, perhaps recognizing that the responsibility for what is happening goes far beyond the figure Crato and implies a deep reform in the education system of the country. because, as also reminded Cavaco Silva, is not the first time these problems happen. Are recurrent. In effect, the teacher has been placed a greater or lesser extent, a source of problems for many years. Which means it is very easy to criticize and ask for the resignation of Education Minister in office, whatever it is. More difficult is to change the process of placing teachers.


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