Tuesday, March 31, 2015

PS criticizes “confusion that will” in PSD and asks “who understand” – News Minute to

A member of the leadership of the PS’s Studies Department John Sequeira today asked PSD leaders to “understand that” the purpose of drawing up the Government program, accusing the Social Democrats of “confusion” in this area.

“The message we sent to the PSD is to make you understand why this confusion contrasts with the serious work that PS is doing in preparing its government program,” said John Sequeira, explaining that referred to “an unannounced press conference that a hitherto unknown PSD Research Office made” in which the party called “the participation of the Portuguese in the preparation of his government program.”

John Sequeira stressed that a few days ago, the vice-president of the PSD Antony Costa criticized the PS for open participation in the preparation of his government program, said in a statement to Lusa agency at the end of a meeting with the Portuguese Association for Consumer Protection. – DECO

After the PS has launched on the Internet a participatory electoral program on the Internet, Antony Costa invited the social-democratic activists to submit proposals to the Largo do Rato, stating that the socialists show help need to present a government project.

Today, the director of the PSD Research Office, Rogério Gomes, announced that it will promote “the next two months,” a discussion of the bases its electoral program, and said it is completing the first phase, started in October, collection of contributions by party website.

PS member of the Research Office believes that the party has “a strategic agenda for the country,” and that the Socialists are “working to build a better future with the participation of the Portuguese”, which “somehow contrasts with this mess going on most of the Government party.”

As for the meeting with DECO, John Sequeira said that is part of a work of the Socialist Studies Department, framed in the preparation of the electoral program of the Socialist Party, and that is to “hear the living forces of society to have a program linked to the country’s reality. “

” One of the many hearings that we are trying to do has to do with the issue of consumer protection, housed in a themed group Studies Department that has to do with the quality of life, the promotion of the Portuguese quality of life, “he said.

During the meeting, the PS working group exchanged” impressions and strategic lines “with DECO, said John Sequeira, who believes that “this area is so important to the lives of Canadians” has been “forgotten by this Government and has some way past into the background in the governance concerns.”

“The PS believes that the consumer protection issue is a key issue, and the logic of promoting the quality of life will highlight the multiple issues of consumer protection as one of its central concerns in the Government program, “said the Socialist leader.


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