Monday, April 20, 2015

Mota-Engil can new contracts worth 713 million and … – publico






The Mota-Engil got new contracts, totaling € 713 million, in Africa, Latin America and Portugal. A contract is in Rwanda, a new market for the Portuguese group, which is in Africa the main value of its turnover.


                         In a statement sent to the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM), the Portuguese group said that 68% of new hires were signed with private clients, which highlights Brazil’s Vale.

The contracts with mining company , totaling € 333 million, refer to works in Mozambique (EUR 233 million) relating to mining, and Brazil (EUR 117 million), the railroad doubling Carajás Iron, an extension 40 kilometers in the state of Maranhão.

In aggregate terms, Africa is the highest value, approximately EUR 565 million, mainly in Angola, Mozambique and Malawi “, but also in other countries where the Group has a smaller presence, such as South Africa, Sao Tome and Principe and Rwanda.

In Rwanda, that the statement is “a new action market for the group, following its expansion strategy and diversification in the African market, “the contract involves the expansion of Kigali International Airport, in the amount of 26 million euros.

In Angola economy is undergoing a crisis following the oil price fall the company won road and civil works amounting to 115 million euros.

In Malawi, the contract involves road infrastructure and rail amounting to 109 million. In Sao Tome and Principe, the contract refers to a resort and water supply structures in the overall amount (EUR 13 million) and South Africa are civil works, including the construction of a hospital and apartments amounting to EUR 69 million.

In Portugal, the company also won contracts, mainly related to a road infrastructure and construction, amounting to about 30 million.

In 2014, the turnover of the Mota-Engil group increased by 2.4% to 2,368 million euros, of which 1 772 million euros, or 74.8%, were carried out in Portugal.

In the three main countries where it operates, Europe, Africa and Latin America, the African part is having the biggest weight in the group’s business, to total EUR 1062 million (45%), and was where there was a growth of 5.2%. But it was the Latin America presented the most dynamic, with a growth of 26.1%, for a total of 537 million. In Europe, the increase was by 2.2% to 931 million.



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