Friday, July 31, 2015

Pharol approval processes to former directors with nearly 100% of the votes – publico





The shareholders present at the general meeting of Pharol SGPS approved this Friday, with nearly 100% of the votes, the opening of proceedings against the former managers of the company (at the time, PT) that had been linked to investments in Spirit Group Santo (GES), including exposure of almost 900 million euros to Rioforte.


                         Earlier, Henry Grenadier lawyer presented an application for suspension of the meeting that is intended to vote in opening proceedings against the former company managers involved in investments in GES debt instruments.

For the voice of attorney Nuno Monteiro Lebanon, Henry Grenadier, former president of the PT and the likely target in any procedures sought thus postpone the decision of shareholders, knew PUBLIC next shareholder source.

The justification for this proposal, voted and sinker for more than 99% of the votes (43% of share capital represented), was based on the lack of information and illegalities in the process.

At the same meeting, which began shortly after 15h, the president of Pharol SGPS, Luís Palha da Silva stressed not want the General Assembly was “a judgment”.

According to the resolution adopted today, with 99.996% of the votes present, within six months Pharol “should propose action for damages against the directors who, having served the term of 2012/2014, had direct participation in decisions investment “made with the GES, or that” because these functions, could have avoided. “

The names that have been identified as targets of future disputes in court are Granadeiro, Luis Pacheco Melo and Zeinal Bava – who had executive duties in the former PT -. and administrators BES, Amílcar Morais Pires and Joaquim Goes, who were part of the board of directors of telecom operator

But the names ever They were mentioned by the current leaders of Pharol SGPS at the meeting, not just outside. After the meeting of shareholders, Rafael Mora, representing the Ongoing and is executive director of the holding company said that the names of the targeted managers will not be released while their legal proceedings are not public. “There is the right to privacy and the presumption of innocence. When the names are the actions will soon be known,” said Mora.

Also at the end of the meeting, the president of Pharol SGPS ensured when asked about any prosecution of BES and the New Bank that “everything is open.” The former BES had the dual share ownership and financial intermediary PT.

At this time, the New Bank is the largest shareholder of Pharol SGPS, with 12.6% of capital. The holding company is the successor of PT SGPS and its sole asset a 27.5% stake in Brazilian Hi. Since the PT Portugal (where conectram all telecommunications operations) was sold by the French Altice Hi, who took over management in June.

In general meeting of Pharol SGPS were present (or represented) shareholders holding 43% of the share capital with voting rights.



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