Saturday, August 15, 2015

Salgado denies transfer of property and attacks Sobrinho – Daily News – Lisbon

Ricardo Salgado denied the advanced information Friday by the weekly Sun , which states that the banker would have gone to the woman’s name, and the children all their most valuable assets, held by a company family which moved away.

In a statement sent to newsrooms, Salgado says “this is just another episode of” saga “initiated by the publications dominated by Álvaro Sobrinho with the sole purpose of undermining the image and good name of Dr. Ricardo Salgado and impute to others their own responsibilities as leader of the BESA. “

Álvaro Sobrinho, that began in BES as a director and even executive chairman of BES Angola in 2001 – which he left in 2012 – owns the newspaper Sun and i . He was accused of mismanagement in BESA by Ricardo Salgado and both are sworn enemies since 2012. Salgado believes that Nephew is a fall guilty of Banco Espírito Santo and both are being investigated by prosecutors.

Salgado writes that the news published today “is false and continues a behavior whose motivations are well known. It confuses changes in the composition of the Board of Directors of a company with the transfer of goods, says 273 buildings and 346 fractions that passed for wife Salgado, which is a pure falsehood and fantasy. Assigns the property seized to the Nau Stone, SA a value of EUR 1.8 billion is also more pure fantasy “.

The statement continues, stating that “the only transfer of shares of the Nau Stone, SA performed by Dr. Ricardo Salgado was a minority position without significant relevance, giving effect to a decision taken long ago and with full transparency.”


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