Thursday, June 23, 2016

Early referendum results point closely fought vote – Journal News

the first results of the referendum on the United Kingdom of the European Union’s output show a close vote, with similar results, ranging oscillating between the two camps.

After being counted 15 rounds voters , a total of 382, ​​the results put the output of the European Union ahead, with 51.5%, and permanence to 48.5% – the northeast of England showed itself more favorable to ‘Brexit’ and Scotland hung for ‘Bremain’.

However, soon after, already 68 established polling stations, the results gave advantage to stay in the European Union, with 51%, with supporters of the estimated output by 49%.

the results have fluctuated – the ‘Brexit”ve been with 54% of the vote, down then below 50% -., with more indicative results only expected within a few hours

the ‘City’ of London, the financial center of the British capital, voted overwhelmingly for permanence. In the small area within London, 75% (3,312 votes) expressed support for the continuation of the UK in the European bloc, while 25% (1,087) preferred the output.

The residence also won overwhelmingly in Gibraltar, with 96% of the votes, but short edge in Newcastle (50.7%).

Sunderland, northeast England, was the first city to prefer the ‘Brexit’, which had 61% of the vote.

the first results of the British referendum and uncertainty over the result did fall, however, the Tokyo stock exchange and led to the devaluation of the pound.


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