Friday, July 29, 2016

Centeno sends charge of IMI in the historic areas – Express

Since 2010 there has been confusion in the interpretation of the law governing the collection of Property Tax (IMI) in areas classified as historical and UNESCO heritage. Residents want exemption equal to the monuments that are neighbors, but the government disagrees, referred to “Jornal de Notícias” this Friday.

Mario Centeno, in response to the parliamentary group The Green this week have written that the collection of IMI to these individual owners is even to advance, contrary positions so far taken by governments and courts.

in the letter, Mario Centeno said that “a general exemption for the entered buildings in areas classified lead to significant practical difficulties “, referring in particular to the Alto Douro region Vineyard, which has 24 600 hectares classified in 13 municipalities. The automatic exemption assignment also “undermine significant part of the tax revenue for all these municipalities,” wrote the minister.

Officially, the law never changed. The Tax Authority has to have a different understanding, considering that only the buildings listed individually were exempt, regardless of being in historical centers.

But residents still claim a different interpretation of the law. They argue that as the historical center a national monument, and the monuments are exempt from the houses of the historic centers also are.

This controversy, which has already begun in 2010, has dragged in dozens of cases court.


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