Sunday, August 28, 2016

President of the IEFP promises audit because of traineeships – Observer

President of the Employment and Vocational Training Institute (IEFP), António Valadas da Silva, assured the public that will ask for an audit of the service after complaints about the illegal use of internships by companies.

the official, who took office in June, said the audit briefly tear and the goal is to “identify areas and improvement aspects” and also to better monitoring of trainees.

to already, and after complaints from interns, regional and local services must report “any denunciation by fainter it is.” Indeed, it is a mechanism that was already planned use.

About where trainees receive less than what they are entitled to, through fraudulent schemes in companies, António Valadas da Silva said that the IEFP only aware of three cases that have been referred to the Public Ministry.

the President of the institute indicated even if there are few complaints to the fuss created in the media. “Does not it seem strange that, being a mega vaunted fraud by all the media, the IEFP has only concrete news of three cases?” Asked the journalist the public.

While acknowledging that the audit will improve service, da Silva Valadas does not consider it done a bad follow these stages. a quarterly survey is made to trainees on the performance of the contract, but “the legal relationship is not between the intern and the IEFP, but between the IEFP and the employer, signing an acceptance term and that takes a set of obligations and duties. “

If the company does not comply with the terms of the contract, the IEFP asks the regularization of the situation and, if it continues the problem, stop supporting the company and demands the return of aid granted to then – even by coercive collection. As for the trainee, if you want the values ​​in debt you are paid, shall, on their own, require the value to the company or go to court because this no longer be a responsibility of the IEFP, said the president.


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