Friday, September 30, 2016

List of Social Security with the most 5365 new debtors – Diário de Notícias – Lisbon

The list of debtors to the Social Security, which was suspended since August 2013, it was reactive in June

The Government upgraded this Friday the list of debtors to the Social Security, which integrates 5365 new taxpayers, representing a total value in debt of about 414,6 million.

according To the information disclosed by the Ministry of Labour, in a statement, the total of these taxpayers debtors, 2397 correspond to the contributors of the second stage and 2968 are the contributors of the first phase that have been reported a second time.

This list of debtors up – to-date making the disclosure of the second stage provided in the Plan to Combat tax Fraud and tax Evasion Contributory pension and healthcare benefits 2016 – includes legal persons with debts between 10 thousand and 50 thousand euros (second phase) that, having been notified, does not have regularised their situation to pay.

on the other hand, it is also updated the list on debtors of the first stage, natural persons with debts of more than 25 thousand euros, and to legal persons with debts in excess of 50 thousand euros reported for the second time for not having been raised in the course of 1.Th stage, the first notification.

The Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security released in June the list of debtors to the Social Security that was suspended since August 2013.

The ministry recalled that the list of debtors that, we have finished the term of voluntary payment, without having fulfilled their obligations and, within legal terms and do not have the respondent and framed the payment of the debt in instalments, provided the guarantee or request for the exemption, you do not have no outstanding debts.

The list of debtors was published on 21 June 2016 with 1798 taxpayers debtors, of which 44 already did no more than legalize your situation-contributory pension, an amount of debt of 1,263 million euros.

The measure is inserted in the plan to combat tax fraud and tax evasion contributory pension and healthcare benefits, with the goal of promoting transparency and increase efficiency in the recovery of debts contributions.

The third phase is scheduled for December 2016, covering the natural persons with debts ranging between seven thousand and 500 euros and 25 billion euros.

The note from the ministry says further that from the third phase, the whole universe of taxpayers debtors will be covered, as from January 2017 to a monthly update of the list of debtors to the Social Security, with the inclusion of new debtors.

taxpayers debtors forming part of the list of debtors are excluded from the same as soon as settle your situation contributory, once the update process is dynamic, it clarifies the document.

The list of debtors to the Social Security can be viewed here


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