Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Left against the reduction of the TSU of the companies – the Observer

The "lead" to the left ” could not be more unequivocal. The Government has led to the social dialogue a proposal that provides for, among other things, the reduction of the Unique Social tax (TSU) that companies pay for workers who benefit from minimum wage increase and the update is phased in the minimum wage from 2018. If the second point raises different reactions to the left, the reduction of the TSU of the companies deserve a round "not" Block to the Left, the PCP and the CGTP.

In remarks to the Observer, José Soeiro, the deputy of the Left Block, makes it clear that the party does not agree "that raising the minimum wage is compensating with a descapitalização of Social Security" or that "they are the taxpayers" to pay for a measure which is of "the most elementary common-sense".

The deputy bloquista recalled, moreover, that, contrary to what many vaticinavam, the increase in the minimum wage "occurred in parallel with the economic growth registered, a "shy but consistent recovery in employment" and "it is also not true that you have harmed their exports". "It is a measure of sensible economic and an imperative of justice," insists José Soeiro.

Before, already Jerónimo de Sousa, general secretary of the PCP, had characterized the measure as "unacceptable". "It is unacceptable that the State Budget will have to pay the percentage point that was there negotiated. We are in deep disagreement with this, which are monies from Social Security to food, once again, the profit of the bosses," said the communist leader, after the meeting with the CGTP.

Also, Arménio Carlos, secretary-general of the CGTP, was harsh criticism of the proposal of the socialist Government, speaking on "the continuity of the policies pursued" in the last few years. "Here there is no change, there is continuity of the policies previously developed and that have been the source of contestation and opposition to the CGTP," said the union official, after meeting with leaders of the PCP in Lisbon.

"The Government, instead of making a proposal of approach to the CGTP to find a solution, what she did was to bet on the coupling. We consider it unacceptable that the workers and the retired are, with your taxes, the fund companies to increase the National Minimum Wage," she said Arménio Carlos, noting the lack of attention to collective contracting, and to the revocation of their standard of obsolescence.

alongside this measure, a counterpart to the minimum wage increase to 557 euros in January 2017, the Government presented a proposal to the social partners where it provides that, in 2018 and 2019, the minimum wage will be updated every six months, with the goal of reaching the 600 euros for the year 2019, if "verified the economic and social conditions that allow it".

update the staged minimum wage deserved reactions distinct to the left of the PS. For the bloquista José Soeiro, though this is not an ideal proposal, what is important is not "to be placed in question the minimum values that have been established". That is, never the criteria referred to — "social and economic conditions" — may justify an update of the wage fall short of the expected.

it is recalled that, in the position jointly held between the Left Block and HP, the two parties reached agreement on the annual update of the minimum wage by 5% until you have received the 600 euros, in 2019. Currently, the minimum wage is 530 euros, it should get to the 557 euros, in 2017, and to 580 euros in 2018. In the last year of the legislature, the minimum wage should then be 600 euros, in accordance with the commitment assumed by the Government. For the Left Block, for the rest, this level of minimal upgrade can not be disrespected.

"it could Not be otherwise", explains José Soeiro. "This agreement is entered into and poured in the program of the Government of HP. It is essential to keep the commitment of the minimum thresholds up to because they are a guarantee for workers that the pressures made against the update of the salary minimum will not result. No proposal should jeopardise these minimum values. Would never be acceptable," noted the deputy bloquista.

The understanding of the PCP is slightly different. The communists always advocated an increase in the national minimum wage to 600 euros already by 2017, by which this Government’s proposal is grossly short of the aspirations of the party, as advocated by Jerónimo de Sousa.

"Have to explain to us the reason why that is not possible [increased to 600 euros], taking into account this inequality in terms of wages, that we must combat", said the secretary-general of communist, after the meeting with the CGTP.

Jerónimo de Sousa would return to the theme this afternoon, after an audience with the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, promising that the PCP will not cease to beat by a decision that it considers fair.

"The struggle for 600 euros, minimum wage is a fight to continue, because it is not exhausted in relation to any agreement, understanding or positioning of either Government, be it from social forces", began by saying the secretary-general of the PCP, for after the shoot: "For us, a goal, fair does not cease to be fair even though momentarily not be reached. Persistiremos, and of course also depending from the own fight of the recipients of this our proposal, workers with the national minimum wage, we are sure that one day this proposal, this initiative, this goal so the righteous will ultimately triumph."

Arménio Carlos, the CGTP, has increased the pressure. "When companies have profits, they are distributed to the shareholders. It is not justified now that they are the workers and retirees to pay the increase in the minimum wage. In the second place, the value is insufficient (557 euros). Thirdly, the proposals presented by the Government are worse than those of your program, since it allow for the phased implementation of 600 euros in 2019. It is not the same thing to apply them in January or during the year of 2019," said still.

Asked about future forms of struggle for their demands, the head of the interunion reported that this will be "determined by the workers". "We will not stop fighting for the minimum WAGE of 600 euros, and by the general increase of wages in Portugal", he promised, justifying it with the good indexes of economic activity in the hospitality and tourism, textile industry and footwear, and services.

On Thursday, December 22, the Government and the social partners come back to meet in the expectation of reaching an agreement based on social dialogue.


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